The Western Park Scarecrow Trail return’s for it’s second year this coming weekend (5th & 6th September) and while we have had to make a couple of changes so we can run the event during the Covid restrictions, at it’s core it remains the fun community event it was last time out.

We are unable to use the playground at Dovelands school as our base, so this year guide maps will be available from two points along the trail.
17 Dorchester Road and 32 Westfield Road will be selling them alongside a limited amount of sugary treats to re-fuel those tired legs. There may also be a couple of surprise pop-up stalls along the route.
The guide maps will feature a link so you can vote for the best scarecrow online. As an added bonus for trail-going completists, some of our scarecrows will have cryptic number puzzles that when added up, will give a number that can be entered online for your your chance to win a prize.
Make sure you bring a pen or pencil!
See you all there!!