Project Hive

Project Hive is the focus of the lion’s share of WWCICs efforts. It is the name we have given to the redevelopment of the now derelict former Eco House located at the westernmost point of “Plot A” which runs alongside the Hinckley Road edge of Western Park.

We have agreed on a 999-year lease for the land from Parmar Properties with the condition that we raise the funding that is necessary to complete the development works on the building and land that immediately surrounds it. The building will need to be up and running by the end of a five-year period from the point that the sale of the land is completed or else Parmar Properties will be able to regain control of this part of the Plot.

The now derelict former Eco House site.

Project Hive will create a social space fit for the 21st century where everyone is valued and welcomed. It will enable our community, and those visiting, to meet others who share their passions and engage in a spectrum of activities that encourage lifelong learning.

It will be something that will bring people together, get people talking, learning new things.

A place to get to know our neighbours, not the ones next door or across the road but the ones three streets away or the other side of the city.

It will bring isolated people out of their front rooms enabling them to feel valued and connected.

It will remind us of what the Eco House showed us about sustainable living.

It will be this and more.

It will be a HIVE of activity.

On the 29th of June 2021, Leicester City Council granted planning permission for our planned redevelopment of the site based on plans drawn up by GSS Architecture. In 2024, architecture firm Perfect Planning took over this role in an effort to reduce the projected build costs as we seek capital funding for the works.

The lower image is an artist’s impression of Project Hive based on the approved plans in 2021. The third image is from the revised plans drawn up in 2024.

If you have any questions about WWCIC & Project Hive, send us a message here.