We did it! The target for crowd funding has been reached and passed! Since the start of September a massive £27,267 has been raised. Thank you.
That “we” includes anyone who has supported this endeavour, you are all a part of the journey we are now on together. Whether you have pledged directly via the Spacehive website, bought a cake, decorated and rolled a pumpkin, made a scarecrow or walked the trail, eaten a curry, swapped Pokemon cards, not worn school uniform or danced the night away at the Christmas Party. The whole WWCE team have been truly humbled by the enthusiasm that the community repeatedly shows for fund raising events, many of which we were running for the first time.
We have been told that Project Hive is a great example of positive community activism in action. The result will be a new space that allows even more activities that bring people together from across our whole community. We now have the funding to complete the designs and surveys to the point of formal planning going in by the middle of February.
It doesn’t end here, our sights are already set on the next milestone towards the building opening it’s doors.